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Great concept and really fun graphics! I love the idea of a western jump n run. I have a few things I would change, though:

  • Make sure every platform can actually be jumped to. I missed them a lot because they were too far apart.
  • Make it so the player needs to jump. I was able to run on the ground the whole time and survive, only jumping over a few ground platforms. I would have loved to be forced into air action.
  • Building on that: I would love to see some obstacles! Maybe pits or cacti?
  • I jumped head-first into a platform and died. Was that intentional?
  • Space scrolls the page in non-fullview mode. Maybe give users a hint about playing in full view?

Overall very fun to play with a lot of replay value. The controls are intuitive and work well, and I love that the player is forced to keep moving. I think this game has a lot of potential. 

Thank you so much for the crit, your feedback is really helpful.

I totally agree with you on the level design. The project was only meant to be a week long, so I didn't give the gameplay design that much attention but I'm definitely going to tweak it to be more enjoyable.

As for the head-on collision killing you, there's something about the collision detection that freaks out and sends the player character flying. I don't know quite what causes it, I have a suspicion but I'm not certain. I'll try a few fixes or workarounds.

Again, I'm really grateful you took the time to say your thoughts on my game.

It's my first functioning solo project, so for someone outside of my immediate circle to even see it is amazing. -L.N. :)